Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her
Proverbs 31:28
Today is “Mother’s Day” and like every other year I reflect on how I am blessed with two amazing girls. Today I attended church with Elizabeth my oldest daughter and I must say that I had a twinge of regret as the pastor preached on the role of the mother in raising her children to become godly adults. Elizabeth was not raised in a godly home where mom gave spiritual wisdom, support and guidance. God however placed a friend, family and church in her life to help her to grow spiritually according to the Lord’s desire for her life.
As a non-Christian I did not understand the faith she had in God and the importance she placed in His word. As a teen Elizabeth knew my need for salvation and attempted to witness to me, but only found rejection. She and her friends started to pray for my salvation. Six years later God placed a special friend and church family in my life and I accepted Christ as my Savior. Several years after I had made my profession of faith I was sharing with Elizabeth my testimony, tears filled her eyes, she then share that she and friends had been praying for me. We celebrated together God’s faithfulness in answering her prayer.
I am sad to say that I do not get a do over with Elizabeth, but I so value the time we have together today as women who love the Lord. God however has given me lots of chances to share with kids, teens and young women His love, grace and mercy as well as His desire for them to live a life pleasing to Him.
As I quietly sit and reflect on my blessings, I am proud of who Elizabeth had become in spite of me. Thank you God, I praise your endless love.
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