God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day
Genesis 1:31
Genesis 1:31
Have you ever payed attention to what was around you as you were driving down the road, sitting in your yard or maybe while visiting a park and thought about God creating all beauty that surrounds you. Just call me sappy, but I love looking at nature and thinking about how amazing God is to have such variety in his creation and the attention to detail. I recently got a new camera and love to try and capture the beauty that surrounds me, my pictures however do not do justice to the subject matter. Never the less I continue on my journey to capture God's creation. My favorites are sunrise and sunsets.
Recently I went to Alaska for 8 days and tried my best to capture the amazing grandeur of God's creation. After taking over 1,500 pictures (this is not an exaggeration) I still was unable to capture what I saw. But I want to share just a few of my favorite pictures.
Next time you go out... look around and pay attention to what you see. Breath in the beauty that surrounds you and celebrate God's majesty.
Next time you go out... look around and pay attention to what you see. Breath in the beauty that surrounds you and celebrate God's majesty.